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VA Feature: Apple Libo-on — The Ever-Enduring Woman

Every day is a challenge for her, but she perseveres and gets back up— from baby steps to giant strides.

Apple Gee C. Libo-on, called by her friends as “Apple,” is often regarded as a sprinkle of sunshine due to her optimism and a burst of firelight due to her passion and dedication to her work. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education major in Filipino and is currently a Juris Doctor-II at 22 years of age. Despite the challenges she went through in her lifetime, she has overcome them through prayers.

Her unwavering faith in God goes hand in hand with her relentless pursuit for making the most out of life. This enthusiasm is present in her eclectic desires, pastimes, and hobbies— she likes doing anything that comes to mind, but especially if it involves art, literature, and movies. Her love for the arts made her aspire to become a professional visual artist, and with her dedication to her craft, there is nothing that can stop her from pursuing her dreams. As one of her favorite quotes by Jigoro Kuwajima says, "Become the most durable blade of all! Hone that one thing to perfection!"

Her dedication has led her to become a trusted worker who pours her mind and heart into everything she does. Her work values are excellent because she always aims to deliver the task before the deadline and deliver it in the best way.

The value she gives to time and quality is rare and commendable, and she makes sure she is continually improving as a virtual assistant, as a student, and as someone she dreams of becoming.

Her virtual assistant journey started with Ripple VAs by reaching out to Jez Perez, the company's CEO. She has undergone rigorous training to become the best VA she can be, and it is her joy to be of service to others. This path has improved her interpersonal skills, positively affecting her work with clients and the people who matter. At Ripple VAs, she is ceaselessly thankful for the camaraderie and all the values she has learned through her co-workers and the people she does services for.

Her message to other new freelancers and virtual assistants is to find the sparks of starlight amidst the unknown. “It's scary at first, and it will feel like you’re in a cave. However, when you get to the center, and your eyes adjust, you'll be surprised and mesmerized with the beauty it holds.”

Through her work at Ripple VAs, she has seen more sunlight and firelight in her, always glowing, spreading, and ever-enduring.


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