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BIG Helper Realty Group is a real estate business specializing in making the sale of homes and property as simple and painless as possible so that clients can put their energy into finding their next dream home. Located in Southeast Valley, Arizona, families would contact BIG Helper Group to find the homes that they desire the most. Even if clients are scared of the lengthy process and anxiety that comes with finding a home, BIG Helper Group understands that and selling a home doesn't have to be stressful or complicated. That is why clients will experience a great time with easy transactions, which is one of the most rewarding events of a person’s life. If clients are looking to sell a home, BIG Helper Group is here to help clients find qualified agents. Hence, delivering keys to clients’ dream homes and creating new memories is what they do best!


However, during the pandemic and even in the new normal, Merrill Jencks, the Team Leader and Sales Consultant of BIG Helper Real Estate Group, explains that the company availed the Ripple virtual assistants as they were overwhelmed with the number of tasks and projects and could not handle them all. Most of the tasks were routine and easy to train someone on. With someone who can do all the office tasks despite the pandemic, Ripple VAs allowed BIG Helper Group to grow its real estate business.

BIG Helper Group finds the virtual assistant of Ripple as communicative, kind, open to feedback, and eager to help with any project. Their team feels that having a VA from Ripple is always top-notch and seamless because they are always hard working. Professionalism and reliability made Ripple VAS stand out from other options.
Ripple’s virtual assistant helps the real estate business on all fronts. They are kind, eager to learn, and sell sufficiently. In transaction management, these virtual assistants support the company’s transaction manager so that clients and agents can meet face-to-face. Not only this but the VA assists in creating and distributing social media marketing on time and also contributes to managing past clients and current databases.


With a Ripple VA on board, they support the team with so many parts of the business, and their success would not be the same without their help.

One interesting aspect about Ripple is that if the virtual assistant has internet or personal issues, another member from Ripple reaches out and communicates with BIG Helper Group. Thus, having a VA around BIG Helper Group eliminated the hassle of helping people find their dream homes.

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Free Up your Plate with

Ripple Virtual Assistants

We are a virtual assistant company dedicated to creating a positive ripple in our community, to our clients, and to our ministry.

Call us: 
(703) 584 4875


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